- 1. Search and Selection
A company’s most valuable asset for reaching its goals is its workforce. Recruiting the right person for a certain position is one of the biggest challenges for IT companies. Information technologies is a very demanding field with a lot of competition among big players. How your company is presented to attract the desired canditate depends on your recruitment consultant’s skills. Zenith HR, as your IT recruitment partner, is dedicated to assist you with all of your human resources needs in a fast and reliable way. We do trust in our ability and expertise in representing your company on a level that will exceed your expectations.
Whether it is for a single vacancy or a group hiring process, we make sure to meet you with the right candidates who possess the desired level of technical knowledge and experience.
Zenith HR team consults and offers services in helping you find both short-term and long-term solutions regarding your personnel needs. Zenith HR team, with its unmatched level of expertise, is well equipped to provide you services in the following areas:
• Software Development (C++, Embedded, .Net, Java, Python, PHP, PL/SQL, FE, Full Stack, Sharepoint)
• Software Architecture
• Middleware Architecture
• Mobile Development (IOS, Android, Windows)
• Software Testing
• Machine Learning, Big Data, Data Scientist
• Infrastructure, Devops, System Architecture, Database
• Application Implementation & Integration
• Network Management, Information Security
• Business Analysis, Business Intelligence
• Project Management, Product Management, Program Management
• Hardware, Help Desk, Technical Support
• Pre-Sales, Software & Hardware Sales, Solution Sales, Post Sales
- 2. Executive Search and Selection
The right management style helps your company reach its goals and increases profitability. An accomplished executive is a leader who creates strategies and a sufficient road map to motivate each team player to reach the shared goals. A qualified executive who checks all the boxes on paper is not so hard to come by. Finding the executive who will also be emotinally invested in your company’s success is a completely different ball game and this could only be achieved by an experienced company like Zenith HR. The entire selection process of the right executive for your brand is therefore, very critical. We work with you to help you find the exact right leader who is the perfect fit for your corporate culture.